Aqua/Black Twin Comforter - Oversized Twin XL Bedding

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The Twin XL Comforter you choose for your Twin XL Bed is incredibly important. You want to make sure you have ultimate comfort to get a quality night's sleep every night, but you also want to make sure you have an Extra Long Twin Comforter that is the centerpiece of your bedroom decor. You don't want to sacrifice style for comfort or vice versa. Your bedroom is, after all, a place of relaxation where you can rest and re-energize for the next day. For comfort and style in one bedding item, add our Aqua/Black Twin XL Comforter.

Our Aqua/Black Twin XL Comforter features trendy aqua on one side that will allow you versatility with your bedroom decorations. For even more versatility, the reverse side of this bedding essentials item is a neutral black. You can even highlight each color on this bedding essentials item by flipping the top edge of your comforter over to display the reverse side. Our Aqua/Black Twin XL Comforter isn't just trendy, it's also comfortable. The outer material is made of an incredibly soft (softer than cotton, even!) Microfiber fabric while the inner fill has an end to end box construction that prevents the fill from shifting around so you don't have an uneven, lumpy Twin XL Comforter.

Black/Aqua Twin XL Comforter

  • Size: Twin Bedding Comforter - Oversized Twin XL
  • Material: Brushed Microfiber with softer than cotton feel
  • Construction: End to end box construction with thick inner fill that won't shift
  • Important Information: Reverses from Black to Aqua

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